暗网|Dark web

所谓暗网(Dark Web),指的是使用特定浏览器(Tor等),才能浏览、搜索到的网络,和“明网”互联网(World Wide Web)相反,美其名曰:私密浏览,不被追踪、监管和审查,暗地里也进行一些见不得光的交易,比如黑客攻击、毒品买卖等……

  • The so-called dark web refers to the network that can only be browsed and searched using a specific browser (such as Tor), which is opposite to the “clear web” internet (World Wide Web). It is named as: private browsing, not being tracked, monitored and censored, and also conducting some shady transactions in secret, such as hacker attacks, drug trafficking, etc…


  • There are very few people who use and build (Onion) platforms, mostly users in Europe and America and some Chinese, most of them are anarchists who use them.


  • Simply put, it is: a product of human self-conflict.